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How Can NEC Be Misdiagnosed?

Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) is a devastating disease that causes the inflammation and death of intestinal tissue. This condition primarily affects premature infants, and it can progress quickly. Early diagnosis and swift treatment can mean the difference between recovery and life-threatening complications.

Unfortunately, the initial signs of NEC can be subtle and easily confused with other common conditions in premature infants. When an NEC misdiagnosis happens, the consequences can be severe for infants and their families. Our NEC baby formula attorney can help seek justice for your family if your child suffers from this condition due to medical negligence.

Common Signs and Symptoms of NEC

If you have a newborn child, it is important to know what signs could point to NEC, especially during the critical first two weeks of a premature baby’s life. The sooner parents and medical staff spot these warning signs, the better chance of successful treatment.

Symptoms of NEC can be subtle at first, but they can worsen quickly if left untreated. These may include:

  • Changes in Feeding Behavior: Your baby may suddenly stop wanting to eat, cry during feedings, or seem uncomfortable when trying to feed, which happens because their stomach and intestines become irritated and sore.
  • Swollen or Hard Stomach: Your baby’s belly may look bigger than usual, feel hard when touched, or appear red or shiny because NEC causes painful swelling in the intestines.
  • Unusual Bowel Movements: Your baby may pass dark, bloody, or black stools that look very different from normal newborn bowel movements. This symptom indicates bleeding in the digestive system.
  • Breathing Problems: Your baby may breathe more slowly than usual or stop breathing for short periods because the stomach problems affect their whole body, including their breathing. An irregular heart rate and low blood pressure are also common.

How Could a Healthcare Provider Misdiagnose NEC?

Doctors and nurses can miss NEC when they do not take enough time to check all possible causes of a baby’s symptoms. A proper diagnosis requires several important steps: feeling the baby’s stomach, taking X-rays to look at the intestines, checking blood work, and sometimes testing stomach fluid with a needle.

Missing any of these steps can lead to a wrong diagnosis. Sometimes, medical staff in busy intensive care units might rush through examinations or wait too long to order necessary tests. They might also dismiss parents’ concerns about feeding problems or stomach issues as normal newborn behavior when these are early warning signs of NEC.

The Impact of a Delayed NEC Diagnosis on Infants and Families

When doctors do not diagnose NEC quickly enough, babies can suffer severe damage to their intestines. This damage can lead to holes in the intestinal wall, dangerous infections throughout the body, and the need for emergency surgery. Some babies need parts of their intestines removed, which can cause lifelong problems with eating and growth. In some cases, NEC is fatal.

If your child’s medical team failed to order the right tests or ignored warning signs, they may be legally responsible for medical negligence. Your family may have the right to pursue a medical malpractice lawsuit against the responsible professionals. Additionally, some baby formula companies have faced lawsuits because their cow’s milk-based formulas have been linked to NEC; if your child consumed these products, you could pursue a claim against the manufacturer as well.

Seek Justice with Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC Today

At Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC, we help families nationwide get justice for their infants. If your child has been affected by NEC, we can help. Contact us at (800) 220-0984 for a free consultation and begin your legal journey today.