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Can NEC Cause Growth Failure?

As a parent of a premature baby, your primary focus is to help your child grow and thrive. However, when necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) strikes, that goal can feel like an uphill battle. NEC is a devastating intestinal disease that can have a profound impact on a baby’s development, making it difficult for a baby to absorb the nutrients they need to grow properly. Here is what you need to know about the link between NEC and growth failure.

How NEC Can Affect Infants’ Ability to Grow

NEC is a serious gastrointestinal disease that primarily affects premature infants. It occurs when the intestinal tissue becomes inflamed and begins to die. This can cause holes to develop in the intestinal wall, which can allow bacteria to enter the abdominal cavity. Infants with NEC often develop a range of painful and debilitating symptoms, including a swollen belly, loss of appetite, and bloody stools. In some cases, NEC may be connected to the use of certain cow’s milk-based baby formulas.

When the intestines are damaged, it can be difficult for the baby to absorb the nutrients they need to thrive. This can lead to malnutrition, which can have a profound impact on an infant’s growth and development. In severe cases, infants with NEC may require surgery to remove damaged portions of the intestine, which can further complicate their ability to absorb nutrients and grow properly.

The Lifetime Consequences of Growth Failure

Growth failure from NEC can lead to significant challenges throughout your child’s life. Children who experience early growth delays often face ongoing issues with physical development, including shorter heights and reduced bone density. These physical limitations can affect their ability to participate in sports and other activities.

Additionally, growth failure can impact cognitive development, potentially leading to learning difficulties and developmental delays. Affected children often struggle with self-esteem issues related to their physical development. They may require nutritional support and long-term medical care to maintain their health and support their growth.

Seeking Justice for NEC-Related Complications

If your child developed NEC after being fed cow’s milk-based baby formula, you may be entitled to compensation. In recent years, lawsuits have been filed against major formula manufacturers Abbott Laboratories and Mead Johnson, alleging that they failed to warn parents about the risks associated with their products. These lawsuits claim that the companies knew or should have known that cow’s milk-based formula could increase the risk of NEC in premature infants but failed to take appropriate action to protect vulnerable babies.

In these situations, an NEC baby formula lawsuit attorney can help you understand your legal options. They can review your case and help you determine whether you have a viable claim against the formula manufacturer. If so, they can work with you to build a strong case and fight for compensation to help pay for medical expenses, pain and suffering, long-term care, and other damages that your child endured as a result of their condition.

Schedule a Free Consultation with Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC Today

Growth failure is a devastating consequence of NEC that no child should have to endure. If your child developed NEC after taking baby formula, the attorneys at Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC can help. We understand the long-term effects this condition can have on your child’s development and are dedicated to securing the resources your family needs. Contact us today at (800) 220-0984 to learn how we can fight for your child’s future.