An intestinal stricture is a narrowing of the intestinal passage, often caused by scarring from damaging conditions like necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC). This narrowing can make it difficult for food and waste to pass through, leading to painful obstructions, chronic diarrhea, and an inability to gain weight. If your child has developed an intestinal stricture after battling NEC, there are treatment options available to help them thrive despite this challenge. The services of an experienced NEC baby formula injury attorney may also be useful, as they can seek justice for injuries caused by negligent medical care.
Causes and Symptoms of Intestinal Stricture
When your premature infant develops NEC, the inflammation and infection can severely damage the intestinal tissue. As this damaged tissue heals, scar tissue forms, creating a narrowed section in the intestines.
Intestinal strictures can cause painful and debilitating symptoms, including:
- Abdominal cramping and pain
- Bloating
- Loss of appetite
- Fatigue
- Constipation
- Vomiting
- Changes in bowel movements
Since newborns cannot tell you when they’re in pain, it’s crucial to watch for signs like unusual crying, refusing feeds, or a swollen belly. Medical staff should actively monitor babies who have recovered from NEC for signs of strictures.
Treatment Options for Intestinal Stricture
After an intestinal stricture develops, your child’s doctor will work with you to develop the best treatment plan. For mild cases, they may adjust and carefully monitor your baby’s feeding plan. Your team might recommend special formulas or methods to help your baby get the nutrition they need while putting less strain on their narrowed intestine. As your child grows older, your doctor will help you safely introduce and manage solid foods.
They may also prescribe medications to help ease symptoms like inflammation. If these treatments are not enough, your child may require surgery. These procedures may include strictureplasty, which widens the narrowed area without removing tissue, and bowel resection, where surgeons remove the damaged section and reconnect the healthy ends. Your doctor will recommend the best option based on your child’s condition.
Pursuing Compensation for Intestinal Stricture Caused by NEC
If your premature infant developed NEC after consuming cow’s milk-based formula, you may have grounds for legal action against the formula manufacturers. These companies had a duty to warn about the risks their products posed to premature infants but failed to do so. Now, families across the country are filing lawsuits to recover compensation for the harm their child suffered due to NEC and its complications, including intestinal strictures.
Your family could secure a settlement to help pay for:
- Medical expenses, including surgery and medications
- Future medical care your child may need
- Pain and suffering endured by your child
- Lost wages from caring for your child
- Long-term care and support services
You can file a lawsuit if you are the parent or legal guardian of a child who developed NEC and subsequent intestinal stricture after drinking cow’s milk-based formula. An attorney who represents families in these cases can evaluate your situation and help you take the first steps toward justice.
Begin Your Journey to Justice with Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC
Dealing with the pain and complications of an intestinal stricture can be overwhelming, especially if it was caused by NEC. Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC can help you hold negligent parties accountable and seek justice for your child. Contact us today at (800) 220-0984 to discuss your legal options and learn how our attorneys will fight for the compensation that your family deserves.