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Filing a Lawsuit Against a Pharmaceutical Company

When defective drugs are introduced into the market, they can lead to dangerous and sometimes life-threatening effects. Patients who take these medications often suffer severe health issues, emotional distress, and financial burdens. All of these losses can have major impacts on their lives.

By filing a lawsuit against the pharmaceutical company responsible for the harm, victims can recover compensation to help pay for these damages and regain control over their well-being. The lawsuit process can be complex, but with the help of an attorney, victims can navigate the legal system more effectively and build a strong case to secure the settlement they deserve. The Ozempic injury attorneys at Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC have years of experiencing representing victims of pharmaceutical errors.

The Duties of Pharmaceutical Companies in the United States

Pharmaceutical companies have a responsibility to ensure the safety and efficacy of their products. These duties often involve rigorous testing, transparent reporting of side effects, and adherence to regulatory standards.

For instance, a pharmaceutical company must conduct comprehensive clinical trials to identify potential side effects and contraindications of a drug. They must also report any adverse reactions to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and update warning labels accordingly.

Despite these obligations, there have been instances where companies have concealed negative trial results, downplayed risks, or failed to disclose critical information. This negligence has led to widespread harm, prompting victims to seek legal recourse.

Examples of Defective Medication Lawsuits

Defective medication lawsuits typically fall into three categories: defective manufacturing, dangerous side effects, and defective marketing.

  • Defective Manufacturing: This occurs when errors in the production process cause the medication to become defective. This can happen through contamination, improper storage, or even incorrect dosage levels in the medication. For example, a batch of drugs may be contaminated with harmful substances due to poor quality control.
  • Dangerous Side Effects: Some drugs have inherent risks that outweigh their benefits, but these side effects are not adequately disclosed to consumers. As a result, patients put themselves at risk of serious and painful complications. For example, Ozempic and Wegovy have been linked to gastroparesis, a painful condition where the stomach is paralyzed.
  • Defective Marketing: This involves misleading advertising or failing to provide adequate warnings and instructions for a medication. For example, if a drug’s promotional materials omit significant risks associated with its use, consumers may be misled about its safety.

How to Prove a Defective Drug Claim

If you have suffered harm due to a medication that was defective in its manufacturing, marketing, or disclosure of side effects, you may be eligible to file a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company. These claims allow you to recover compensation for the harm that you endured due to the defect.

To secure this compensation, you will need to gather evidence to prove the following:

  • Duty of Care: The pharmaceutical company has a duty of care to produce a safe and effective product. This means that the company is legally obligated to ensure that its medications meet regulatory standards and do not pose unreasonable risks to consumers.
  • Breach of Duty: The company breached this duty as a result of defective manufacturing, defective marketing, or a failure to disclose certain side effects. Several pieces of evidence can be used to establish this breach, such as internal company documents and expert testimony.
  • Causation: There must be a direct link between the breach of duty and the harm that you suffered. This often requires expert testimony from medical professionals who can explain how the drug caused the specific harm.
  • Damages: Finally, you must demonstrate that you suffered actual harm or losses as a result of the defective drug. Damages can include a wide range of physical, emotional, and financial impacts.

Potential Compensation in a Defective Drug Lawsuit

In a lawsuit against a pharmaceutical company, you have the right to recover both economic and non-economic in your settlement. Economic damages, which cover the tangible financial losses incurred due to the defective drug, often make up the bulk of the award. They may include:

  • Past, present, and future medical expenses related to the injury, such as hospital bills, medication costs, rehabilitation services, and any necessary ongoing treatments
  • Lost wages and future earnings if your injury has prevented them from working, either temporarily or permanently, as well as diminished earning capacity
  • Disability accommodations if your injury or illness results in permanent impairment, such as mobility equipment, home and vehicle modifications, and specialized care

Non-economic damages address the intangible impacts of the injury, accounting for the physical pain and emotional distress that you have experienced. Emotional distress might encompass anxiety, depression, and other psychological impacts resulting from the injury and its aftermath. Permanent disability, chronic pain, or loss of function are common examples of physical losses.

In certain states, punitive damages may be awarded in instances where the pharmaceutical company’s conduct was particularly egregious or reckless. These damages serve to punish the company and deter similar behavior in the future.

How a Defective Drug Attorney Can Help You Seek Justice

To secure a fair settlement in a defective drug lawsuit, legal representation is essential. A defective drug attorney—like those at Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC—can offer significant expertise and support to help you recover a fair settlement.

  • Expertise in Handling Large Corporations: Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC, has extensive experience dealing with large pharmaceutical companies and their formidable legal teams. We can help you navigate complex legal processes and present your case effectively against well-resourced opponents.
  • Access to Specialized Medical Experts: Our firm collaborates with a network of medical professionals who can provide essential testimony in your case. These experts can help establish the link between the defective drug and your injuries, validating your claims with scientific evidence.
  • Providing Compassionate Support: Legal battles can be emotionally exhausting. The attorneys at Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC, offer empathetic support throughout the process, helping you navigate the legal journey with confidence.

Seek Justice with Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC by Your Side

Taking on a pharmaceutical company can be daunting, but you do not have to do it alone. Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC can guide you through the legal process and ensure your rights are protected.

We are committed to holding pharmaceutical companies accountable for their negligence and are not afraid to take your case to court. Contact us today at (800) 220-0984 for a free consultation and trust our firm to fight for the compensation you deserve.