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Potential Risks Associated with Ozempic Underdosing

Medications like Ozempic can be a powerful tool in managing diabetes, but their effectiveness relies on the proper dose. When people receive less than the prescribed dose of a semaglutide drug, whether due to physician or patient error, the consequences of an Ozempic underdose can be severe. If you are taking Ozempic, it is important to be aware of the risks associated with underdosing—and to speak with your medical provider if you believe that you are not receiving the right amount.

What Is the Proper Dosing Protocol for Ozempic?

Ozempic can cause uncomfortable side effects, so healthcare providers take a gradual approach and slowly introduce the medication to the patient’s system. In most cases, the regimen begins with a low starting dose of 0.25 mg injected once weekly for the first month. Following the first month, the dose is usually increased to 0.5 mg once weekly for the second month.

Depending on the patient’s progress, the Ozempic dose may go up to 1 mg weekly in the third month and, if necessary, to a maximum of 2 mg weekly from the fourth month onward. The final maintenance dose can vary between 0.5 mg and 2 mg weekly, depending on the patient’s needs and responses.

How Underdosing Can Affect Ozempic Patients

For patients who rely on Ozempic to treat conditions like type 2 diabetes, underdosing can have serious implications. When they receive less medication than they actually require, they may experience inadequate blood sugar control. Uncontrolled diabetes can have serious consequences, such as:

  • Kidney problems
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Nerve damage, also known as neuropathy
  • Vision problems, including blindness
  • Slow wound healing
  • Increased risk of infections

Several factors can contribute to underdosing. For example, a healthcare provider may start a patient on a lower dose, but fail to adjust the dose upward when necessary. As a result, the patient may not receive the desired benefits of Ozempic, leaving their blood sugar levels poorly managed and potentially worsening their condition over time.

In some cases, patients may intentionally take less than their prescribed dose due to fears about side effects or financial constraints. In some cases, they may misunderstand dosing instructions due to unclear labeling or inadequate patient education. Whatever the case, underdosing Ozempic can lead to serious complications.

How to Determine the Right Ozempic Dose for You

If you are starting Ozempic, it is important to establish a close relationship with a healthcare provider that you trust. Your doctor will be responsible for creating a treatment plan based on your current health status, treatment goals, and any existing medical conditions that could influence the drug’s effectiveness. You will need to attend regular check ups and blood tests to monitor Ozempic’s effectiveness and make necessary adjustments to your dose.

Never adjust your Ozempic dose without consulting with a doctor first. Self-adjusting can lead to an underdose or overdose. If you feel like your dose is ineffective, talk to your doctor about adjustments or alternative treatments.

Need legal assistance? Call an Ozempic injury attorney today

Explore Your Legal Options with Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC

Underdosing is only one of the risks associated with Ozempic. If you have experienced health complications related to this drug, you have the right to pursue legal action.

Shapiro Legal Group, PLLC represents victims who have been harmed by dangerous pharmaceuticals. We can provide the guidance and support you need to move forward with your life. Contact us today at (800) 220-0984 to explore your legal options and learn how our defective drug attorney can fight for you.